We inform You about the release of a new version of the program - ChipLoader 2.28.
The new version adds the following features:
Module Tricore TC1762/TC1766/TC1796/TC1797/TC1767/TC1724/TC1738, Bosch ME(G)17.9,x - boot mode added CPU support TC1767, TC1724, TC1738
Module Tricore TC1762/TC1766/TC1796/TC1797/TC1767/TC1724/TC1738, Bosch ME(G)17.9,x - boot mode added support for reading ECU Bosch M(E)17.9.71 TPROT12, VAG (TPROT 8 - 10), Siemens SIM2K-24x (Kia, Hyundai)
Module Siemens SIM2K-140/141/341/D160/241/245 added the ability to read the ECU SIM2K-24x (Kia, Hyundai)
In module Honda Keihin/Matsushita SH7058/SH72543 - OBDII extended support ECU Honda Crosstour 2.4
In module Delphi MT20U/MT20U2/MT22U/MT20UED/MT38 - OBDII-added possibility intellectual record for ECU MT20U
In module Bosch MP 7.0 modified time delays to improve the stability of record
In module Bosch M78/ME797+ - OBDII modified time delays to improve the stability of record