The module is designed to work with EMS S6 units installed in trucks Scania, approximately, 2006-present. Supported read, write 'follow', replacement, inspection and adjustment of the COP, both with a direct connection to the unit (on the 'table') and via a coordinator (on the 'table' and in the car via the OBD connector);
Scania EMS/EDC S6 250Kbps (MPC555) [RD/WR/CK]
Scania EMS S6 500Kbps (MPC555) [RD/WR/CK]
To work with the onboard network adapter is required, calculated on a 24V (e.g., ChipSoft J2534 Lite) or deactivate 16m terminal in HBS (or adapter). Working with blocks is carried out via CAN-bus.